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LCIE Standard, Approval NF France, the French Certification - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd.
LCIE Standard, Approval NF France, the French Certification - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. LCIE Central Power Electric laboratory in France (LCIE) is Veritas Group (Bureau Veritas, referred to as BV) a wholly owned subsidiary of National Power as an international authoritative body electrical experiments, first to receive IECQ watchdog qualification, in the world IECQ system for quality assessment and certification of all operations (including the IECQ-HSPM system certification). Bureau Veritas Group, founded in 1828 and headquartered in Paris, France, is the world's leading international inspection and certification group, focused on the quality of its services, health, safety and environmental management and assessment of areas of social responsibility. From its inception, Bureau Veritas Group service network covering more than 150 countries, with more than 850 offices and laboratories, about 33, 000 employees worldwide end markets for the 300, 000 different areas of customer service. In China, the Bureau Veritas Group has 4,000 employees, 30 offices and laboratories, and 30, more than 000 customers with quality service. Veritas Group is the industry's access to world governments and international organizations recognized by one of the largest. [1] Bureau Veritas Group, Department of electrical and electronic consumer goods, from France LCIE, Taiwan, ADT, Curtis-Straus and the United States and Germany INNOVA merger of the world's leading testing, certification, inspection agencies. Relying on the Veritas Group, a powerful group of forces and consumer electrical and electronic services in Europe, the Americas and Asia team of professionals, can provide a range of specialized electrical and electronic business services. In addition, Bureau Veritas Group, a subsidiary of France LCIE is among the few with the IECEE CB certificates issued by recognized and issued by the PV GAP mark of the fully qualified NCB (National Accreditation Body), one set up photovoltaic lab in Shanghai, covers an area of 1500 square , is the first for the solar panels and components are fully tested the ability of NCB (LCIE France)'s laboratory. Able for the maximum size of 2mx2m solar panels to provide IEC / EN 61215 / IEC / EN 61646, IEC / EN 61730-1 / -2 Service: In China, BV LCIE has 540 employees in nine cities in nine offices / labs to provide testing, inspection, certification, consulting and other services. BV LCIE test range of products / Our Product Scope: ► Home Appliances / Household Appliance ► Power Tools / Power Tool ► Lamps / Lighting ► equipment and components / Apparatus ► Low Voltage / Low Voltage Device ► Audio and Video Products / Audio Video Products ► IT equipment / IT Equipment ► explosion-proof products / ATEX ► Battery / Battery ► PV / Photovoltaic www.ccip.fr.com The above information is integrated by the Office of Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. [View Details] - About the Netherlands KEMA certification body, KEMA certification website - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. Country: Netherlands Name: KEMA NV tot Keuring van Elektrotechnische Materialen Address: Utrechseweg 310 Postbus 9035 Arnhem, NL-6800 Netherlands Tel: (31) 263563427 Fax: (31) 263510178 Fax: Type: Testing, certification bodies Website: http://www.kema.nl Contact the above certification by the Center for Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. [View Details]
KEMA Standard, KEMA Approval Overview - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd.
KEMA Standard, KEMA Approval Overview - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. KEMA KEMA (Keuring Van Elektrotechnische Materialen); Dutch Power Research Institute, a global power for the pilot certification authority KEMA-KEUR to (electrical) safety mark of quality. Electrical products must obey "the European Low Voltage Directive" standard, and CE product standards. Specific requirements and European standards are the same. If you get a product KEMA-KEUR sign to these requirements, which means you can automatically meet the requirements of European law. Our range of experts in testing, evaluation, inspection, audit and certification servicesin all aspects. Can also provide training and consultancy services. Our scopeincludes not only the mechanical and electrical engineering, including environmental, safety and working environment. Netherlands Electrotechnical Materials Association (KEMA) NVKEMA implementation of European Community law on low-voltage electrical products (February 19, 1973), the Netherlands' Act requires that all electrical appliances in the Netherlands on the market of electrical products should meet therequired safety standards. As KEMA certification mark issued in accordance with these standards, so they can prove KEMA a KEUR meet the Dutch electrical products, "Electric Act." KEMA isaccredited by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, officially recognized by the European Community as a Dutch low-voltage electrical products testing organization. KEMA KEMA in a KEUR certification system under the leadership of the Dutchgovernment established an independent body - recognized by the DutchAccreditation Council. Most of the standard is largely equivalent to KEMA Netherlands Electrotechnical Commission standard (NEN standard), which in turn are based on IEC or CENELECstandards. www.kema.nl - The above information has Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. General Office of the [View Details] -
Ningbo Qiaopu foreign travel management approach
Ningbo Qiaopu foreign travel management approach Article 1 Ningbo Qiaopu staff deployed to overseas staff, in addition to receive remuneration according to outside, and travel expenses allowed to report their standards are as follows: (A) Where Ningbo Qiaopu abroad and from designated locations reported expenditure in real transport costs, transport costs themselves on their own tour. (B) meals, lodging, and incidental expenses according to the prevailing market, and in accordance with IRS regulations on business support in the amount of reported support for. (C) sent in the same city continued to reside for more than 30 days from the date according to 31% off branches to the above criteria. Article 2 by the government or other agencies to employ (send) study abroad or internship Ningbo Qiaopu personnel employed or have been paid to send out the travel agency, shall not again be paid out of our travel. Article 3 During the trip because of the public expenditure should be made according to actual official receipt for reimbursement, is unable to obtain an official receipt of payment can be sporadic human sign was subject to travel. Article 4 on the reason as a result of official duties must pay the costs exceed the daily fee can be provided in the petition Ningbo Qiaopu general manager issued a special allowance. Article 5 is still abroad, the travel reimbursement method mutatis mutandis to Article 5 of the provisions of Article VII. [View Details] -
IRAM certification information, IRAM certification body contact - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd.
IRAM certification information, IRAM certification body contact Country: Argentina Argentina Name: IRAM Instituto Argentino de Racionalizatión de Material Address: Chile 1192 C. Postal 1098 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: (54) 13834576 Fax: (54) 13818463 Fax: Type: Bureau of Standards Website: More information from the Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. Certification Center [View Details] -
Argentina IRAM Safety Mark is a mandatory (exempted products) certification mark. Argentina in resolution 92/98, adopted in 1998 (Resolution 92/98) will be established as a mandatory certification system, December 31, 2002, the regulated product must be made by Argentina Accreditation Organization (OAA) accredited certification body assessment nuclear compliance with relevant standards. Manufacturers can meet the standard of the product attached Argentina S mark, product assessment is based on the IEC standard with Argentina Argentina differences in standards or implementation. In fact, IRAM standard formulation has been adopted most of the IEC standard provisions. 92/98 resolution in several phases, from December 1, 2003 onwards, and gradually set for different types of mandatory product safety requirements. - The above information is integrated by the Office of Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. [View Details]
IMQ Certification Contact, IMQ agency web site - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd.
IMQ Certification Contact, IMQ agency website Country: Italy Italy Name: IMQ Instituto Italiano del Marchio di Qualitá Address: Via Quintiliano, 43 Milano, I-20138 Italy Tel: (39) 250 731 Fax: (39) 25073271 Fax: 310 494 (IMQ I) Type: Testing, certification bodies Website: http://www.imq.it More information from the Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. Certification Center [View Details] -
imq Italy IMQ quality mark stands hospital. It was founded in 1951, is an independent, non-profit organization, is responsible for electrical and gas appliances and materials, inspection and certification. IMQ now controls about 170 types of equipment classes, test new products every year more than 3,000, has certified more than 16,000 products. In Italy, IMQ support groups and organizations of the National Research Council (CNR), Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Labor, Postal Department, Transportation Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Department of Defense. The IMQ executive members, except the major cities of the Power Authority, there are interested in the product certification committee, bureau, association, etc. IMQ members of this status and qualifications, good way to ensure the detection of the independence and impartiality. IMQ's business scope includes: (1) insulated cables and low voltage insulation tape; (2) low-voltage equipment; (3) lamps and accessories; (4) household appliances; (5) power meter; (6) gas appliances; (7) capacitors and filters; (8) electronic equipment; (9) medical equipment; (10) alarm system; (11) alarm system installer; (12) to upgrade components; (13) of non-electrical products; (14) Information technology; (15) instrument calibration; (16) radio interference; (17) Electronic Components; (18) ability to assess and register companies. http://www.imq.it More information from the Office of General Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. [View Details]
FIMKO certification body contact, FIMKO certification website - Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd.
Country: Finland Finland Name: FIMKO FIMKO LTD Address: PO Box 30 S Zhuo kiniementie 3 Helsinki-21, SF-00211 Finland Phone: (358) 9696361 Fax: (358) 96925474 Fax: Type: Testing, certification bodies Website: http://www.fimko.fi The above information is certified by the Center for Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. [View Details] -
FIMKO (Finnish Electrical Standards Association) SNDF Safety certification marks the four Nordic countries: Use: Industrial equipment,machinery and equipment, communications equipment, electrical products, personalprotective equipment and other household products. Scandinavia is Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. The four countries of thecertification bodies set up an agreement between, mutual recognition of test results.In other words, if your products have any one of the four Nordic countries in a statecertification, if you need certification of the remaining three countries, you do not need to offer products for testing, you can easily obtain a certificate. Four Nordic countries were Authentication is NEMKO (Norway Electric Standards Association), SEMKO (Sweden Electric Standards Association), DEMKO (DenmarkElectric Standards Association) and FIMKO (Finland Electric Standards Association)certification. Which has a sign on behalf of NEMKO Norway certification of the product after a series of safety tests to ensure that products can withstand thephysical wear and tear, burn and electrical shock. NDMKO mark 10 years after theeffective evaluation, over the period must re-test. Sign indicating that the product hasSEMKO with European standards. The above information is integrated by the Office of Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. [View Details]
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