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Confidential disclosure Ningbo Qiaopu factory plug wires responsibility and punishment
2012-01-05 23:15:39

Confidential disclosure Ningbo Qiaopu factory plug wires responsibility and punishment

One of the following conditions, be given a warning, and the withholding of wages 50 yuan to 500 yuan the following:
(A) the disclosure of Bo Qiaopu secret factory plug wires, no serious consequences or economic loss;
(B) violation of Article X of this system, 12, 13, 14 and Article 15 stipulates that the secret content;
(C) of the plant secrets leaked, but to take remedial measures.
One of the following conditions shall be dismissed and, as appropriate compensation for economic losses.
(A) intentional or negligent disclosure of Bo Qiaopu secret factory plug wires, causing serious consequences or major economic loss;
(B) violation of the confidentiality provisions, for others stealing, spying, illegal to buy or provide company secrets;
(C) the use of authority to force others to breach of confidentiality.
The system requires the disclosure is one of the following acts:
(A) to Bo Qiaopu factory plug wires are not aware of the secret;
(Ii) to plant a secret beyond the reach of limited, but can not prove that those who are not aware of should not be aware of.

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