- 2011-12-09 22:59:36
Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. Market Analysis
Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. to understand the size of the market and the balance of forces of the situation, market situation analysis must contain the following 12 elements:
(1) power cord the size of the market.
(2) In addition, QIAOPU brand, sales of competing brands and the sales comparison analysis.
(3) Of course, Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. also need to analyze market share of competing brands of comparative analysis.
(4) consumer age, gender, occupation, education, income, family structure analysis.
(5) the advantages and disadvantages of each brand competing comparative analysis.
(6) of the competitive market area and product brand positioning of comparative analysis.
(7) of the power cord competitive brand advertising and comparative analysis of advertising performance.
(8) promotion of competing brands of comparative analysis.
(9) public relations activities of competing brands of comparative analysis.
(10) pricing strategies of competing brands of comparative analysis.
(11) channels of competing brands of comparative analysis.
(12) Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. profit and loss analysis of the past five years.
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