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Ningbo Qiaopu electrical power lines and quality of production organization and management
2011-12-01 22:29:23

Ningbo Qiaopu electrical power lines and quality of production organization and management

Ningbo Qiaopu electrical power cord must be scientific and rational organization of production management, careful and accurate, meticulous, scrupulous operators must perform according to process requirements, any part of the problem will affect the smooth process, the impact of product quality and delivery. Especially multi-core power cord, or a basic unit of a line of short length, or quality problems, then the entire length of power cord will not, result in scrap. Conversely, if a unit is too long, it must be sawn waste.
Ningbo Qiaopu electrical power line quality management, continuous superposition of a large length of the combination of production, so that any part of the production process, transient problems occur that will affect the quality of the entire power cord. The more quality defects occur in the inner layer, and no timely detection of termination of production, then the greater the loss. Because the production is different from the power line of products assembled, the other can open the heavy equipment and replacement parts; the power cord of any part or process quality problems, this cable is almost irreversible and irreparable. Post-processing is very negative, not sawn that degrade, or scrap the whole power cord. It can not open the heavy equipment.
Power line quality control, must be throughout the entire production process. Quality inspection departments to tour the entire production process inspection, operator self-inspection, mutual inspection process from top to bottom, this is to ensure product quality, an important guarantee for improving economic efficiency and means.

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