- 2012-01-14 23:09:36
Power cable factory secret leaked Ningbo Qiaopu responsibility and punishment
Presents one of the following conditions, to bestow tell, and withholding wages 50 yuan to 500 yuan the following:
(A) the disclosure of confidential Bo Qiaopu's workshop, not yet formed a severeeconomic loss results or out;
(B) violation of Article X of this criterion, 12, 13, 14 and Article 15 of the confidential content of the rule;
(C) has been leaked confidential but accepted to make up workshop approach.
Presents one of the following conditions, be dismissed out of appropriatecompensation for economic loss.
(A) intentionally or too out of line leak Boqiao Pu power plant secrets, the formation of severe or serious economic damage results out;
(B) contrary to the guidelines to protect the secret rules for others to steal, sniffing,illegal acquisition or supply company secrets;
(C) the application of power to force others to violate the rules to protect the secret.
The guidelines rule of disclosure is one of the following acts:
(A) to Bo Qiaopu power cord should not be aware of the factory secrets;
(B) the plant exceeds the limit of exposure of confidential limitations, rather thangrams less than the confirmed not know who should know of.
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