- 2011-12-22 22:00:14
Qiaopu General Electric contract
The first electric company to make Qiaopu standardized contract management, project management process, the contract clearly relevant departments and personnel duties, and safeguard corporate interests, based on "Contract Law" and relevant laws and regulations, combined with the company's actual circumstances of this the system.
Article Qiaopu electrical system for all contracts entered into by the various departments of the project management of foreign subsidiaries entered into a contract with reference to the project management system implementation.
Article III of the electrical system within the meaning of Qiaopu contract are:
1 Technology contracts, procurement contracts, contract construction survey, construction engineering supervision contracts and other contracts;
2 power line inspection contract
3 materials and equipment purchase and sale (sale) contract;
4 advertising contracts: advertising contracts, advertising contracts, advertising contracts;
5 workshop management contract for the sale;
6 Other types of contracts.
Article Qiaopu Department of Electrical Management Center contract management department for an assessment of the project contract; Management Center to monitor the room for the contract management department for an assessment. Project management departments and related departments of the Ministry of contract management center to supervise.
Violation of the relevant departments or personnel systems and regulations, causing serious consequences, from Qiaopu appliances separately.
Evaluation: the evaluation, Qiaopu Contract Management appliance management center, if not insist on the principle of error, omission, concealed phenomenon, one for each verified, shall be deducted Management Center Contract Management Department 15.
Evaluation, monitoring room, if not insist on the principle of error, omission, concealed phenomenon, one for each verified, shall be deducted to monitor the room charge 45 yuan (one for each verified by error, omission or concealed three phenomena dollars).
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