- 2011-12-13 21:33:49
Qiaopu associated electrical power cord salesmanship
1 Qiaopu sell his company clerk shall develop "habits of selling", "like selling" power cord products.
2 salesman can not sell cheap QIAOPU, LIANSHANG two kinds of brands, FUJITSU-TEN brand marketing should also be strengthened.
3. "Associated with selling" or "eating attack." Is to increase sales of our products Qiaopu company types.
4 salesman for the company each product, there must be absolute confidence.
5 Each of the Company's products to be introduced to a thorough understanding of dealership.
6 ignore the dealership, said: "These have to buy your company more than enough! Leave some business to other companies to do it!" Enhanced association to sell.
7.QIAOPU Qiaopu new products replace other products should not replace the company's other products. 8 Strengthening sell slow-moving inventory.
9. QIAOPU Qiaopu's office by the following three steps to strengthen the association to sell:
(1) all branches listed QIAOPU, LIANSHANG two kinds of brands selling well the dealership list.
(2) QIAOPU, LIANSHANG weekly review of the power line sales results.
(3) Branch Director and the discussion of all sales, list each dealership to be reached FUJITSU-TEN brand performance goals.
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