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Qiaopu explain the use of copper
2011-12-22 22:03:57

Qiaopu explain the use of copper

You know, Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd. Ye Hao power cord, power cord worth mentioning, the most important material is copper. Copper is not only used in the power cord and power plug, it uses its extensive Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co., Ltd., finishing next to see what specific uses of copper: As copper has excellent performance, so the industry has a broad of use. Including electrical industry, mechanical manufacturing, transportation, construction and so on. At present, the copper in the electrical and electronics industry in this area is mainly used for manufacturing wires, communication cables and other products such as motor, generator rotor and electronic instruments, meters, etc., this part of the amount accounted for about half of total industrial demand. Copper and copper alloys in computer chips, integrated circuits, transistors, printed circuit boards and other equipment plays an important role in both devices. For example, the transistor leads with high conductivity, high thermal conductivity of chromium zirconium copper alloy. Recently, the internationally renowned computer company IBM has been using copper instead of aluminum in the silicon chip, which marks humanity's oldest metal in the latest semiconductor technology breakthrough,
The mid-1980s, the United States, Japan and Western Europe, consumption of refined copper, the largest share of the electrical industry, China is no exception. And into the 1990s, foreign in the construction industry a huge increase in the piping with copper as the bulk of the foreign consumer of copper, according to New York-based Copper Development Association (CDA) published reports that: In 1997, construction is still the United States, copper products the largest end-use market, the construction industry are often used for the manufacture of corrosion resistance of copper water pipes, roof and other drainage facilities, in addition to its aesthetic appearance and be used for building renovation, construction, total U.S. copper with copper total consumption of the product first.
According to internal statistics of China Nonferrous Metals Group, China's copper consumption in 1997 the composition of the electrical industry (including wire and cable) accounted for 77.7%, to become the largest market for copper.
Follows: Unit:%
Industry, the mid-1980s 1997
United States, Japan, China, USA and China in Western Europe
47.8 55.2 24.8 77.7 Electric Industry
Machinery manufacturing 19.5 23.8 11.5 5.3
Construction 15.8 3.3 41.8 6.9
Transportation 8.8 3.3 12.8 4.4
Other 8.1 9.1 5.7 14.4
Total 100 100 100 100
Source: "Futures Dictionary" * Copper Development Association (CDA)
Note: In 1997, China's copper consumption structure data from Simon Hunt's "1990-1997 China's copper consumption survey," a text, in order to avoid double counting, in 1997 China's wire and cable included in the electrical industry, and are calculated in the previous machinery manufacturing industry.
With the benefit of science and technology Nisshin jump, in broadening the scope of application of copper, copper in the medical, biological, and environmental aspects of superconductivity into play. For example, when the polyurethane foam containing copper or copper oxide, can greatly reduce the burning plastic releases when the deadly toxic gas - hydrogen cyanide (HCN). A large number of research data shows that the bactericidal effect of copper can effectively reduce the spread of germs of pneumonia, can inhibit bacterial growth, keeping water clean, so the future prospects for the development of domestic brass construction will be very broad.

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