- 2012-01-02 23:25:25
Qiaopu plug plant proposal to improve the methods and proposals will not be accepted
Content of the proposal for Qiaopu plug factory, business scope, constructive and feasible ways of improvement.
(A) the various methods of operation, manufacturing methods, production processes, marketing methods, administrative efficiency improvements.
(B) the machinery and equipment, maintenance improvements.
(C) to improve the efficient use of raw materials, use Qiaopu plug factory substitute raw materials, saving energy. ,
(D) new product design, manufacturing, packaging and new market development.
(E) waste, recycling waste energy.
(F) promote Qiaopu plug plant operational safety, the prevention of disasters and so on.
Content of the proposal as part of the following range of proposals for the inappropriate inadmissible:
(A) attack group or individual proposals.
(B) improve the treatment of those who complain or request.
(C) and had been put forward proposals for the content or use of the same person.
(D) and Qiaopu plug plant patent law in conflict.
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