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Several major features Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD. production of rubber line
2014-05-06 07:13:53

Several major features Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD. production of rubber line

Daily life and work , we often will use all kinds of different models of plug wires . And these connections for our quality of power supply equipment , but also a lot of consumers are very concerned about aspects . Quality standards related products are also directly related to whether we can produce relevant life safer and efficient . Quality plug wires , the most important is that the use of rubber thread , and whether the quality of clearance . Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD and quality production of rubber line , the following major features is very important.
First, high-quality production of rubber Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD line , you need to have good flexibility, in daily use, our consumers are often opened, starting group , and these substantial course , also called rubber line can have a better softness, have better flexibility , so as to protect the phenomenon product products will not crack because there is no excessive flexibility, resulting . Production and life brings to us some potential security risks.
Second, the quality of the rubber line , you need to be able to withstand more harsh environments. Quality products , you need to have better cold resistance, heat resistance , which can be used in hot weather in the summer can also be used in the winter cold weather . Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD quality rubber production line , the need to have better qualities to withstand harsh environments . So as to protect our consumers everyday use , will not have any problems.
Third, the quality of the rubber line , you need to have better resistance to ultraviolet nature . Many of the related equipment , you need to use outdoors. The strong ultraviolet greater impact for the product . It also requires rubber thread , you can have better UV resistance . Under intense ultraviolet irradiation of a long period , for some low-quality products , there will be a lot of destructive. Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD and quality rubber production line efficiency , can effectively resist ultraviolet rays, for damage to the product , increasing the use of life .
Fourth, the quality of the rubber line , you need to have better oil resistance , in some special environments , such as our home kitchen , the production of various types of work organization . Because jobs are related to the production characteristics , leading to all kinds of plug wire devices , need to withstand excessive grease. So high-quality rubber thread , to have better oil resistance. All types of grease, Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD for the production of rubber line without any damage , but also can be avoided because the grease for rubber thread stimulation , leading to internal wiring problems caused by corrosion . Therefore, the rubber cord has a good resistance to oil , to the overall product quality , but also very important.
The above four points , Ningbo Qiaopu Electric Co.,LTD. is a high-quality rubber production lines, four important characteristics indispensable to our consumers in the purchase of related products , according to the above four points , for products quality testing.

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